Freeside:1.9:Documentation:Developer/FS/cust bill pkg

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FS::cust_bill_pkg - Object methods for cust_bill_pkg records


 use FS::cust_bill_pkg;

 $record = new FS::cust_bill_pkg \%hash;
 $record = new FS::cust_bill_pkg { 'column' => 'value' };

 $error = $record->insert;

 $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);

 $error = $record->delete;

 $error = $record->check;


An FS::cust_bill_pkg object represents an invoice line item. FS::cust_bill_pkg inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:

billpkgnum - primary key; invnum - invoice (see FS::cust_bill); pkgnum - package (see FS::cust_pkg) or 0 for the special virtual sales tax package, or -1 for the virtual line item (itemdesc is used for the line); pkgpart_override - optional package definition (see FS::part_pkg) override =item setup - setup fee; recur - recurring fee; sdate - starting date of recurring fee; edate - ending date of recurring fee; itemdesc - Line item description (overrides normal package description); quantity - If not set, defaults to 1; unitsetup - If not set, defaults to setup; unitrecur - If not set, defaults to recur

sdate and edate are specified as UNIX timestamps; see "time" in perlfunc. Also see Time::Local and Date::Parse for conversion functions.


Creates a new line item. To add the line item to the database, see "insert". Line items are normally created by calling the bill method of a customer object (see FS::cust_main).
Adds this line item to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
Currently unimplemented. I don't remove line items because there would then be no record the items ever existed (which is bad, no?)
replace OLD_RECORD
Currently unimplemented. This would be even more of an accounting nightmare than deleteing the items. Just don't do it.
Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid line item. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert method.
Returns the package (see FS::cust_pkg) for this invoice line item.
Returns the package definition for this invoice line item.
Returns the invoice (see FS::cust_bill) for this invoice line item.
details [ OPTION => VALUE ... ]
Returns an array of detail information for the invoice line item.
Currently available options are: format escape_function
If format is set to html or latex then the array members are improved for tabular appearance in those environments if possible.
If escape_function is set then the array members are processed by this function before being returned.
Returns a description for this line item. For typical line items, this is the pkg field of the corresponding FS::part_pkg object (see FS::part_pkg). For one-shot line items and named taxes, it is the itemdesc field of this line item, and for generic taxes, simply returns "Tax".
Returns the amount owed (still outstanding) on this line item's setup fee, which is the amount of the line item minus all payment applications (see FS::cust_bill_pay_pkg and credit applications (see FS::cust_credit_bill_pkg).
Returns the amount owed (still outstanding) on this line item's recurring fee, which is the amount of the line item minus all payment applications (see FS::cust_bill_pay_pkg and credit applications (see FS::cust_credit_bill_pkg).
Returns the number of billing units (for tax purposes) represented by this, line item.
quantity; unitsetup; unitrecur; disintegrate
Returns a list of cust_bill_pkg objects each with no more than a single class (including setup or recur) of charge.
Returns the amount of the charge associated with usage class CLASSNUM if CLASSNUM is defined. Otherwise returns the total charge associated with usage.
Returns a list of usage classnums associated with this invoice line's details.
cust_bill_pkg_display [ type => TYPE ]
Returns an array of display information for the invoice line item optionally limited to 'TYPE'.


setup and recur shouldn't be separate fields. There should be one "amount" field and a flag to tell you if it is a setup/one-time fee or a recurring fee.

A line item with both should really be two separate records (preserving sdate and edate for setup fees for recurring packages - that information may be valuable later). Invoice generation (cust_main::bill), invoice printing (cust_bill), tax reports (report_tax.cgi) and line item reports (cust_bill_pkg.cgi) would need to be updated.

owed_setup and owed_recur could then be repaced by just owed, and cust_bill::open_cust_bill_pkg and cust_bill_ApplicationCommon::apply_to_lineitems could be simplified.


FS::Record, FS::cust_bill, FS::cust_pkg, FS::cust_main, schema.html from the base documentation.