From Freeside
This is the changelog for the 1.7.4 point release.
For additional changes since 1.7.2, see Freeside:1.7.3:Changelog
For a more detailed, raw log of changes, see the source ChangeLog
Core team
- Jeremy Davis is now a member of the core team.
Binary packages
- Experimental packages are available for SLES (SuSE) in addition to Debian and RHEL/CentOS.
- RPM packages now show the full version number instead of the series and RPM release date.
Trouble ticketing
- Fix attachment MIME types.
- Enhanced Sales/Credits/Receipts report/graph: make net receipts clickable, add gross & net cashflow, separate gross/net refunds
- Big speedup on A/R report
- Added customer status to advanced customer report
- Quantity option for one-time charges
Payment history
- Refactored payment history slightly, add refund receipts, have "unapplied" refunds show like other unapplied/open things.
- payment and credit applications have separate "apply to refund" choices now, and no auto-refund choice in the invoice dropdown
- Fixed masking of CC and ACH info on voided payment display
- Added tear-off coupon
- Lined up CDR display in columns
- Added option to show service address
- Added option for postal invoice fee, with exclusion for one-time charges
- Added "diable_previous_balance" option to omit previous balance, payment, and credit lines on invoices
- Added invoice number to filename of invoices emailed as PDF attachments
- Fixed typeset invoice when service definition names contain chars that need to be latex escaped
- Changed width of default HTML invoice to 625 in an attempt to print without cutting off the prices in IE8
- Added ACL and ability to delete invoices to the web interface.
- For check payments, show "Check #" not "Billing #"
- Added a "balance over" option to agent-specific invoice send event
- Spaced out event edit layout for less confusion
- Changed default weight of cancel & comp events to 80 and 90, so you can place them at the same time as a final realtime event.
Agent payment gateways
- Updated the dropdown list of agent payment gateways with currently available Business::Onlinepayment modules
- Added freeside-void-payments script for returned check processing
- freeside-daily: Added -m option for multi-process billing via job queue (backported from 1.9).
- Use business-onlinepayment-description config in all cases if present (backported from 1.9)
- freeside-daily: don't skip vacuuming when using -k
- Fix real-time ACH voids with IPPay and jety: backport ECHECK_void_requires_account handling
- add handling of ChilliSpot (and CoovaChilli) Max attributes, specifically ChilliSpot-Max-{Input,Output,Total}-{Octets,Gigawords}
- require usage warning thresholds to be set explicitly via svc_acct-usage_threshold config (don't default them to 80%)
- Add the ability for prepaid packages to have usage limits and cancel or suspend if they're hit
- Re-drag address and router even farther into the century
- Add svc_broadband-manage_link config option to embed a link to the device's web interface
- New export to OpenSRS enabling registration and renewal of domains.
- On upgrade, automatically seed last login/logout from sqlradius databases
- Start freeside-sqlradius-radacctd by default
- "Bulk email" feature
- Welcome to the future, default to Apache 2
- Added (enabled with config) ability to edit agent_custid
- Added a config option for the maximum number of job queue jobs to run concurrently
- Selfservice realtime_collect (backport from 1.9)
- address1-search config option, enables search of the address field from customer search
- Added queued-sleeptime config
- Handle DBIx::DBSchema 0.38 (backport)
Bug fixes
- Fixed self-service with remembered (masked) CC and ACH data
- Fixed using new payment duplicate stuff with cc encryption
- Upgrade fixes for very old databases
- Agent-virtualize customer # portion of quick payment entry
- Fixed "illegal query 0" error when cancelling customers
- Use IPC::Run to run pslatex & add a timeout, this should prevent hanging on template errors
- Fixed the random "HylaFax support has not been configured" error, caused by cust_bill->fax getting called instead of cust_main->fax field
- Fixed rare extra ticket showing up on wrong customer record
- Fixed harmless vestigial select box on svc_www add/edit
- Fixed visual regression not displaying package and comment on date editing
- Fixed self-service agent-specific invoice logos
- Set a character encoding for all pages; this should fix problems with diamond question marks even when the server gets an UTF-8 default setting
- Fixed bulk email sending error when selecting a single customer payment type
- Fixed inventory upload
- Made it possible to use inventory for UIDs instead of counters.
- Fixed address field display on advanced package search
- fix rare "Illegal division by zero" error applying things when using weights