[freeside-commits] freeside Changes.1.5.8,1.12,1.13

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Mon May 22 11:05:29 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv24866

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Index: Changes.1.5.8
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/Changes.1.5.8,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -d -r1.12 -r1.13
--- Changes.1.5.8	22 May 2006 02:04:13 -0000	1.12
+++ Changes.1.5.8	22 May 2006 18:05:26 -0000	1.13
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 Major new features and updates since 1.5.7:
 - Added prepaid packages that set the RADIUS "Expiration" attribute and
   auto-suspend on their next bill date
-- Added banned card table and option to send customer cards there on cancel
+- Added banned card table and option to send customer cards there on
+  cancel
 - Bulk svcpart change
 - Integrated RT upgraded to 3.4.4
@@ -10,25 +11,26 @@
 - Redo quick payment entry page with ajax magic
 - Redid account view and edit pages, add ability to edit uid/gid if conf
   options for it are turned on
-- cust-fields configuration value to control which customer fields are shown
-  on reports
+- cust-fields configuration value to control which customer fields are
+  shown on reports
 - Moved account search (httemplate/search/svc_acct.cgi), cust_pkg search
   (httemplate/search/cust_pkg.cgi) and others to new template
 - add unlinked mail forward (svc_forward) report
-- Moved to XMLHttpRequest instead of hidden iframe transport for progress bar
-- Also use XMLHttpRequest for retreiving states rather than send a huge page
-  for customer add/edit, much faster
+- Moved to XMLHttpRequest instead of hidden iframe transport for
+  progress bar
+- Also use XMLHttpRequest for retreiving states rather than send a huge
+  page for customer add/edit, much faster
 - Added active/suspended/cancelled customer packages to agent browse
 - Added maximum "cap" options to RADIUS usage charges
-- Added support for maestro/switch/solo cards, including start date and issue
-  number
-- Added agent/taxclass/card type-specific gateway overrides for people with
-  multiple payment gateways for different resellers, taxclasses and/or card
-  types
+- Added support for maestro/switch/solo cards, including start date and
+  issue number
+- Added agent/taxclass/card type-specific gateway overrides for people
+  with multiple payment gateways for different resellers, taxclasses
+  and/or card types
 - Explicit payment types for cash and (optionally) western union

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