[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements header.html, 1.5, 1.6 freeside.css, 1.1, 1.2 menu.html, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Mon May 15 06:57:17 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv32046/httemplate/elements

Modified Files:
	header.html freeside.css 
Added Files:
Log Message:
move most of the crap on the "main menu" to the sidebar

Index: freeside.css
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements/freeside.css,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- freeside.css	15 May 2006 11:05:04 -0000	1.1
+++ freeside.css	15 May 2006 13:57:15 -0000	1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 A:link IMG, A:visited { border-style: none }
-A:focus {text-decoration: underline }
+/* A:focus {text-decoration: underline } */
 a:link, a:visited {
   /* text-decoration: none; */

--- NEW FILE: menu.html ---
  my( %opt ) = @_;
  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
  my $fsurl = $opt{'freeside_baseurl'};

  #Active tickets not assigned to a customer

  tie my %report_customers_lists, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'by customer number' => [ $fsurl. 'search/cust_main.cgi?browse=custnum', '' ],
    'by last name' => [ $fsurl. 'search/cust_main.cgi?browse=last', '' ],
    'by company name' => [ $fsurl. 'search/cust_main.cgi?browse=company', '' ],
    'by active trouble tickets' => [ $fsurl. 'search/cust_main.cgi?browse=tickets', '' ],

  tie my %report_customers_search, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'by ordering employee' => [ $fsurl. 'search/cust_main-otaker.cgi' ],

  tie my %report_customers, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'List customers' => [ \%report_customers_lists, 'List customers' ],
    'Search customers' => [ \%report_customers_search, 'Search customers' ],
    'Zip code distribution' => [ $fsurl.'search/report_cust_main-zip.html', 'Zip codes by number of customers' ],

  tie my %report_invoices_open, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'All open invoices' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_bill.html?OPEN_date', 'All invoices with an unpaid balance' ],
    '15 day open invoices' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_bill.html?OPEN15_date', 'Invoices 15 days or older with an unpaid balance' ],
    '30 day open invoices' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_bill.html?OPEN30_date', 'Invoices 30 days or older with an unpaid balance' ],
    '60 day open invoices' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_bill.html?OPEN60_date', 'Invoices 60 days or older with an unpaid balance' ],
    '90 day open invoices' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_bill.html?OPEN90_date', 'Invoices 90 days or older with an unpaid balance' ],
    '120 day open invoices' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_bill.html?OPEN120_date', 'Invoices 120 days or older with an unpaid balance' ],

  tie my %report_invoices, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Open invoices' => [ \%report_invoices_open, 'Open invoices' ],
    'All invoices'  => [ $fsurl. 'search/cust_bill.html?date', 'List all invoices' ],
    'Advanced invoice reports' => [ $fsurl.'search/report_cust_bill.html', 'by agent, date range, etc.' ],

  tie my %report_services_acct, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'All accounts by username' => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_acct.cgi?username', '' ],
    'All accounts by UID'      => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_acct.cgi?uid', '' ],
    'Unlinked accounts'        => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_acct.cgi?UN_uid', 'Pre-Freeside accounts without a customer record' ],

  tie my %report_services_domain, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'All domains'      => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_domain.cgi?domain', '' ],
    'Unlinked domains' => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_domain.cgi?UN_domain', 'Pre-Freeside domains without a customer record' ],

  tie my %report_services_forward, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'All mail forwards'      => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_forward.cgi?svcnum', '' ],
    'Unlinked mail forwards' => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_forward.cgi?UN_svcnum', 'Pre-Freeside mail forwards without a customer record' ],

  tie my %report_services_www, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'All virtual hosts'     => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_www.cgi?svcnum', '' ],
    'Unlinked virtual hosts' => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_www.cgi?UN_svcnum', 'Pre-Freeside virtual hosts without a customer record' ],

  tie my %report_services_broadband, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'All broadband services' => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_broadband.cgi?svcnum', '' ],
    #'Unlinked domain' => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_acct.cgi?UN_uid', 'Pre-Freeside domains without a customer record' ],

  tie my %report_services_external, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'All external services' => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_external.cgi?id', '' ],
    'Unlinked external services' => [ $fsurl.'search/svc_external.cgi?UN_id', 'Pre-Freeside domains without a customer record' ],

  tie my %report_services, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Service definitions' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_svc.cgi?orderby=active', 'Service definitions by number of active packages' ],
    'separator' => '',
    'Accounts'            => [ \%report_services_acct, 'Access accounts and mailboxes' ],
    'Domains'             => [ \%report_services_domain, 'Domains', ],
    'Mail forwards'       => [ \%report_services_forward, 'Mail forwards', ],
    'Virtual hosts'       => [ \%report_services_www, 'Virtual hosting', ],
    'Broadband services'  => [ \%report_services_broadband, 'Fixed (username-less) broadband services', ],
    'External services'   => [ \%report_services_external, 'External services', ],

  tie my %report_packages, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Package definitions' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_pkg.cgi?active=1', 'Package definitions by number of active packages' ],
    'separator' => '',
    'All customer packages' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_pkg.cgi?pkgnum', 'List all customer packages', ],
    'Suspended customer packages' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_pkg.cgi?magic=suspended', 'List suspended packages' ],
    'Customer packages with unconfigured services' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_pkg.cgi?APKG_pkgnum', 'List packages which have provisionable services' ],
    'By next bill date' => [ $fsurl.'search/cust_pkg_report.cgi', 'Search packages by next bill date' ],

  tie my %report_financial, 'Tie::IxHash', 
    'Sales, Credits and Receipts' => [ $fsurl.'graph/report_money_time.html', 'Sales, credits and receipts summary graph' ],
    'Sales Report' => [ $fsurl.'graph/report_cust_bill_pkg.html', 'Sales report and graph (by agent, package class and/or date range)' ],
    'Credit Report' => [ $fsurl.'search/report_cust_credit.html', 'Credit report (by employee and/or date range)' ],
    'Payment Report' => [ $fsurl.'search/report_cust_pay.html', 'Credit report (by type and/or date range)' ],
    'A/R Aging' => [ $fsurl.'search/report_receivables.html', 'Accounts Receivable Aging report' ],
    'Prepaid Income' => [ $fsurl.'search/report_prepaid_income.html', 'Prepaid income (unearned revenue)  report' ],
    'Sales Tax Liability' => [ $fsurl.'search/report_tax.html', 'Sales tax liability report' ],

  tie my %report_menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Customers' => [ \%report_customers,  'Customer reports'  ],
    'Invoices'  => [ \%report_invoices,   'Invoice reports'   ],
    'Packages'  => [ \%report_packages,   'Package reports'   ],
    'Services'  => [ \%report_services,   'Services reports'   ],
    'Financial' => [ \%report_financial,  'Financial reports' ],

  tie my %tools_importing, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Import customers from CSV file' => [ $fsurl.'misc/cust_main-import.cgi', '' ],
    'Import one-time charges from CSV file' => [ $fsurl.'misc/cust_main-import_charges.cgi', '' ],

  tie my %tools_exporting, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Download database dump' => [ $fsurl. 'misc/dump.cgi', '' ],
  #    <!-- <BR>View active NAS ports: 
  #      <A HREF="browse/nas.cgi">session server</A> -->
  #      <!-- or <A HREF="browse/nas-sqlradius.cgi">RADIUS</A>
  #    <BR> -->

  tie my %tools_menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Job Queue' => [ $fsurl.'search/queue.html', 'View pending job queue' ],
    'Importing' => [ \%tools_importing, 'Import tools' ],
    'Exporting' => [ \%tools_exporting, 'Export tools' ],

  tie my %config_employees, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'View/Edit employees' => [ $fsurl.'browse/access_user.html', 'Setup internal users' ],
    'View/Edit employee groups' => [ $fsurl.'browse/access_group.html', 'Employee groups allow you to control access to the backend' ],

  tie my %config_export_svc_pkg, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'View/Edit exports'             => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_export.cgi', 'Provisioning services to external machines, databases and APIs' ],
    'View/Edit service definitions' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_svc.cgi', 'Services are items you offer to your customers' ],
    'View/Edit package definitions' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_pkg.cgi', 'One or more services are grouped together into a package and given pricing information. Customers purchase packages, not services' ],
    'View/Edit package classes'     => [ $fsurl.'browse/pkg_class.html', 'Package classes define groups of packages, for reporting and convenience purposes.' ],

  tie my %config_agent, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'View/Edit agent types' => [ $fsurl.'browse/agent_type.cgi', 'Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can then assign to particular agents' ],
    'View/Edit agents'      => [ $fsurl.'browse/agent.cgi', 'Agents are resellers of your service. Agents may be limited to a subset of your full offerings (via their type)' ],

  tie my %config_billing, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'View/Edit payment gateways'         => [ $fsurl.'browse/payment_gateway.html', 'Credit card and electronic check processors' ],
    'View/Edit invoice events'           => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_bill_event.cgi', 'Actions for overdue invoices' ],
    'View/Edit prepaid cards'            => [ $fsurl.'browse/prepay_credit.html', 'View outstanding cards, generate new cards' ],
    'View/Edit call rates and regions'   => [ $fsurl.'browse/rate.cgi', 'Manage rate plans, regions and prefixes for VoIP and call billing' ],
    'View/Edit locales and tax rates'    => [ $fsurl.'browse/cust_main_county.cgi', 'Change tax rates, or break down a country into states, or a state into counties and assign different tax rates to each' ],

  tie my %config_dialup, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'View/Edit access numbers' => [ $fsurl.'browse/svc_acct_pop.cgi', 'Points of Presence' ],

  tie my %config_broadband, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'View/Edit routers'        => [ $fsurl.'browse/router.cgi', 'Broadband access routers' ],
    'View/Edit address blocks' => [ $fsurl.'browse/addr_block.cgi', 'Manage address blocks and block assignments to broadband routers' ],

  tie my %config_misc, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'View/Edit advertising sources' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_referral.cgi', 'Where a customer heard about your service.  Tracked for informational purposes' ],
    'View/Edit virtual fields' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_virtual_field.cgi', 'Locally defined fields', ],
    'View/Edit message catalog' => [ $fsurl.'browse/msgcat.cgi', 'Change error messages and other customizable labels' ],
    'View/Edit inventory classes and inventory' => [ $fsurl.'browse/inventory_class.html', 'Setup inventory classes and stock inventory' ],

  tie my %config_menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Settings'      => [ $fsurl.'config/config-view.cgi', 'XXXconfigittip' ],
    'separator'     => '', #its a separator!
    'Employees'     => [ \%config_employees, 'XXXtooltip' ],
    'Provisioning, services and packages'
                    => [ \%config_export_svc_pkg, 'XXXtootip'    ],
    'Resellers'     => [ \%config_agent, 'XXXtootip'    ],
    'Billing'       => [ \%config_billing, 'XXXtootip'    ],
    'Dialup'        => [ \%config_dialup, 'XXXtootip'    ],
    'Fixed (username-less) broadband'
                    => [ \%config_broadband, 'XXXtootip'    ],
    'Miscellaneous' => [ \%config_misc, 'XXXtootip'    ],

  tie my %menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
    'Billing Main'   => [ $fsurl, 'Billing start page', ],
    'Ticketing Main' => [ 
                          ( $conf->config('ticket_system') eq 'RT_External'
                            ? FS::TicketSystem->baseurl()
                            : $fsurl.'rt/'
                          'Ticketing start page',
    'Reports'        => [ \%report_menu, 'Lists, reporting and graphing' ],
    'Tools'          => [ \%tools_menu, 'Tools' ],
    'Configuration'  => [ \%config_menu, 'Configuraiton and setup' ],

  use vars qw($gmenunum);
  $gmenunum = 0;

  sub submenu {
    my($submenu, $title) = @_;
    my $menunum = $gmenunum++;

    #return two args: html, menuname

    "var myMenu$menunum = new WebFXMenu;\n".
    #"myMenu$menunum.useAutoPosition = true;\n".
    "myMenu$menunum.emptyText = '$title';\n".

      join("\n", map {

        if ( !ref( $submenu->{$_} ) ) {

          "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuSeparator());";

        } else {

          my($url_or_submenu, $tooltip ) = @{ $submenu->{$_} };
          if ( ref($url_or_submenu) ) {

            my($subhtml, $submenuname ) = submenu($url_or_submenu, $_); #mmm, recursion

            "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuItem(\"$_\", null, \"$tooltip\", $submenuname ));";

          } else {

            "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuItem(\"$_\", \"$url_or_submenu\", \"$tooltip\" ));";



      } keys %$submenu )
    ). "\n".
    "myMenu$menunum.width = 224\n",




<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=$fsurl%>elements/cssexpr.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=$fsurl%>elements/xmenu.js"></script>
<link href="<%=$fsurl%>elements/xmenu.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="<%=$fsurl%>elements/freeside.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">

  webfxMenuImagePath      = "<%=$fsurl%>images/";
  webfxMenuUseHover       = 1;
  webfxMenuShowTime       = 300;
  webfxMenuHideTime       = 500;

  var myBar = new WebFXMenuBar;

  <% foreach my $item ( keys %menu ) {

       my( $url_or_submenu, $tooltip ) = @{ $menu{$item} };

       if ( ref($url_or_submenu) ) {

         warn $item;

         my( $subhtml, $submenuname ) = submenu($url_or_submenu, $item);


         <%= $subhtml %>
         myBar.add(new WebFXMenuButton("<%= $item %>", null, "<%= $tooltip %>", <%= $submenuname %> ));

  <%   } else { %>
         myBar.add(new WebFXMenuButton("<%= $item %>", "<%= $url_or_submenu %>", "<%= $tooltip %>" ));

  <%   }


  myBar.show( null, 'vertical' );
  //myBar.show( null, 'horizontal' );

  //var myMenu = new WebFXMenu;
  //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 1", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
  //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuSeparator());
  //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 2", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
  //var mySubMenu = new WebFXMenu;
  //mySubMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 3", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
  //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 4 with sub menu", null, "Tool tip to show", mySubMenu));

  myBar.width = 154;


Index: header.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements/header.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- header.html	15 May 2006 11:05:04 -0000	1.5
+++ header.html	15 May 2006 13:57:15 -0000	1.6
@@ -13,175 +13,8 @@
     <META HTTP-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache">
     <META HTTP-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache">
     <META HTTP-Equiv="Expires" Content="0"> 
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=$fsurl%>elements/cssexpr.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=$fsurl%>elements/xmenu.js"></script>
-    <link href="<%=$fsurl%>elements/xmenu.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
-    <link href="<%=$fsurl%>elements/freeside.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
-    <%
-      tie my %report_menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'Report one' => [ 'there', 'theretip' ],
-        'Report too' => [ 'here',  'heretip'  ],
-      ;
-      tie my %config_employees, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'View/Edit employees' => [ $fsurl.'browse/access_user.html', 'Setup internal users' ],
-        'View/Edit employee groups' => [ $fsurl.'browse/access_group.html', 'Employee groups allow you to control access to the backend' ],
-      ;
-      tie my %config_export_svc_pkg, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'View/Edit exports'             => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_export.cgi', 'Provisioning services to external machines, databases and APIs' ],
-        'View/Edit service definitions' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_svc.cgi', 'Services are items you offer to your customers' ],
-        'View/Edit package definitions' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_pkg.cgi', 'One or more services are grouped together into a package and given pricing information. Customers purchase packages, not services' ],
-        'View/Edit package classes'     => [ $fsurl.'browse/pkg_class.html', 'Package classes define groups of packages, for reporting and convenience purposes.' ],
-      ;
-      tie my %config_agent, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'View/Edit agent types' => [ $fsurl.'browse/agent_type.cgi', 'Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can then assign to particular agents' ],
-        'View/Edit agents'      => [ $fsurl.'browse/agent.cgi', 'Agents are resellers of your service. Agents may be limited to a subset of your full offerings (via their type)' ],
-      ;
-      tie my %config_billing, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'View/Edit payment gateways'         => [ $fsurl.'browse/payment_gateway.html', 'Credit card and electronic check processors' ],
-        'View/Edit invoice events'           => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_bill_event.cgi', 'Actions for overdue invoices' ],
-        'View/Edit prepaid cards'            => [ $fsurl.'browse/prepay_credit.html', 'View outstanding cards, generate new cards' ],
-        'View/Edit call rates and regions'   => [ $fsurl.'browse/rate.cgi', 'Manage rate plans, regions and prefixes for VoIP and call billing' ],
-        'View/Edit locales and tax rates'    => [ $fsurl.'browse/cust_main_county.cgi', 'Change tax rates, or break down a country into states, or a state into counties and assign different tax rates to each' ],
-      ;
-      tie my %config_dialup, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'View/Edit access numbers' => [ $fsurl.'browse/svc_acct_pop.cgi', 'Points of Presence' ],
-      ;
-      tie my %config_broadband, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'View/Edit routers'        => [ $fsurl.'browse/router.cgi', 'Broadband access routers' ],
-        'View/Edit address blocks' => [ $fsurl.'browse/addr_block.cgi', 'Manage address blocks and block assignments to broadband routers' ],
-      ;
-      tie my %config_misc, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'View/Edit advertising sources' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_referral.cgi', 'Where a customer heard about your service.  Tracked for informational purposes' ],
-        'View/Edit virtual fields' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_virtual_field.cgi', 'Locally defined fields', ],
-        'View/Edit message catalog' => [ $fsurl.'browse/msgcat.cgi', 'Change error messages and other customizable labels' ],
-        'View/Edit inventory classes and inventory' => [ $fsurl.'browse/inventory_class.html', 'Setup inventory classes and stock inventory' ],
-      ;
-      tie my %config_menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'Settings'      => [ $fsurl.'config/config-view.cgi', 'XXXconfigittip' ],
-        'separator'     => '', #its a separator!
-        'Employees'     => [ \%config_employees, 'XXXtooltip' ],
-        'Provisioning, services and packages'
-                        => [ \%config_export_svc_pkg, 'XXXtootip'    ],
-        'Resellers'     => [ \%config_agent, 'XXXtootip'    ],
-        'Billing'       => [ \%config_billing, 'XXXtootip'    ],
-        'Dialup'        => [ \%config_dialup, 'XXXtootip'    ],
-        'Fixed (username-less) broadband'
-                        => [ \%config_broadband, 'XXXtootip'    ],
-        'Miscellaneous' => [ \%config_misc, 'XXXtootip'    ],
-      ;
-      tie my %menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
-        'Home'          => [ $fsurl, 'hometip', ],
-        'Top item one'  => [ 'nowhere_yet', 'nowheretip', ],
-        'Top item too'  => [ 'nowhere_yet_either', 'eithertip', ],
-        'Reports'       => [ \%report_menu, 'reportmenutip' ],
-        'Configuration' => [ \%config_menu, 'configmenutip' ],
-      ;
-      use vars qw($gmenunum);
-      $gmenunum = 0;
-      sub submenu {
-        my($submenu, $title) = @_;
-        my $menunum = $gmenunum++;
-        #return two args: html, menuname
-        "var myMenu$menunum = new WebFXMenu;\n".
-        #"myMenu$menunum.useAutoPosition = true;\n".
-        "myMenu$menunum.emptyText = '$title';\n".
-        (
-          join("\n", map {
-            if ( !ref( $submenu->{$_} ) ) {
-              "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuSeparator());";
-            } else {
-              my($url_or_submenu, $tooltip ) = @{ $submenu->{$_} };
-              if ( ref($url_or_submenu) ) {
-                my($subhtml, $submenuname ) = submenu($url_or_submenu, $_); #mmm, recursion
-                "$subhtml\n".
-                "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuItem(\"$_\", null, \"$tooltip\", $submenuname ));";
-              } else {
-                "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuItem(\"$_\", \"$url_or_submenu\", \"$tooltip\" ));";
-              }
-            }
-          } keys %$submenu )
-        ). "\n".
-        "myMenu$menunum.width = 224\n",
-        "myMenu$menunum";
-      }
-    %>
-    <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-      webfxMenuImagePath      = "<%=$fsurl%>images/";
-      webfxMenuUseHover       = 1;
-      webfxMenuShowTime       = 300;
-      webfxMenuHideTime       = 500;
-      var myBar = new WebFXMenuBar;
-      <% foreach my $item ( keys %menu ) {
-           my( $url_or_submenu, $tooltip ) = @{ $menu{$item} };
-           if ( ref($url_or_submenu) ) {
-             warn $item;
-             my( $subhtml, $submenuname ) = submenu($url_or_submenu, $item);
-      %>
-             <%= $subhtml %>
-             myBar.add(new WebFXMenuButton("<%= $item %>", null, "<%= $tooltip %>", <%= $submenuname %> ));
-      <%   } else { %>
-             myBar.add(new WebFXMenuButton("<%= $item %>", "<%= $url_or_submenu %>", "<%= $tooltip %>" ));
-      <%   }
-        }
-      %>
-      myBar.show( null, 'vertical' );
-      //myBar.show( null, 'horizontal' );
-      //var myMenu = new WebFXMenu;
-      //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 1", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
-      //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuSeparator());
-      //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 2", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
-      //var mySubMenu = new WebFXMenu;
-      //mySubMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 3", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
-      //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 4 with sub menu", null, "Tool tip to show", mySubMenu));
-      myBar.width = 154;
-    </SCRIPT>
+    <%= include('menu.html', 'freeside_baseurl' => $fsurl ) %>
     <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
       function clearhint_search_cust (what) {

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