freeside/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/eg,NONE,,NONE, notify_test.patch,NONE,

ivan ivan at
Thu Apr 29 02:40:11 PDT 2004

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/eg
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv11497/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/eg

Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_1_4_BRANCH notify_test.patch 
Log Message:
adding DBD::Pg and DBIx::DBSchema for 5.005 on 1.4 branch too

--- NEW FILE: notify_test.patch ---
diff -r --unified DBD-Pg-1.00/ DBD-Pg-1.00.alex/
--- DBD-Pg-1.00/	Sun May 27 10:10:13 2001
+++ DBD-Pg-1.00.alex/	Sun Jun 10 15:38:09 2001
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 my $dsn_main = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbmain";
 my $dsn_test = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbtest";
-my ($dbh0, $dbh, $sth);
+my ($dbh0, $dbh, $dbh1, $sth);
 #DBI->trace(3); # make your choice
@@ -445,16 +445,56 @@
 # end transaction
 $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
+# compare large objects
 ( $dbh->func($lobjId, 'lo_unlink') )
     and print "\$dbh->func(lo_unlink) ...... ok\n"
     or  print "\$dbh->func(lo_unlink) ...... not ok\n";
-# compare large objects
 ( $pgin cmp $buf and $pgin cmp $blob )
     and print "compare blobs .............. not ok\n"
     or  print "compare blobs .............. ok\n";
+my $fd;
+( $fd=$dbh->func( 'getfd') )
+    and print "\$dbh->func(getfd) .......... ok\n"
+    or  print "\$dbh->func(getfd) .......... not ok\n";
+( $dbh->do( 'LISTEN test ') )
+    and print "\$dbh->do('LISTEN test') .... ok\n"
+    or  print "\$dbh->do('LISTEN test') .... not ok\n";
+( $dbh1 = DBI->connect("$dsn_test", '', '', { AutoCommit => 1 }) )
+    and print "DBI->connect (for notify)... ok\n"
+    or  die   "DBI->connect (for notify)... not ok: ", $DBI::errstr;
+# there should be no data for read on $fd , until we send a notify
+    my $rout;
+    my $rin = '';
+    vec($rin,$fd,1) = 1;
+    my $nfound = select( $rout=$rin, undef, undef, 0);
+( $nfound==0 ) 
+    and print "select(\$fd) returns no data. ok\n"
+    or  die   "select(\$fd) returns no data. not ok\n";
+( $dbh1->do( 'NOTIFY test ') )
+    and print "\$dbh1->do('NOTIFY test') ... ok\n"
+    or  print "\$dbh1->do('NOTIFY test') ... not ok\n";
+    my $nfound = select( $rout=$rin, undef, undef, 1);
+( $nfound==1 ) 
+    and print "select(\$fd) returns data.... ok\n"
+    or  die   "select(\$fd) returns data.... not ok\n";
+my $notify_r;
+( $notify_r = $dbh->func('notifies') ) 
+    and print "\$dbh->func('notifies')...... ok\n"
+    or  die   "\$dbh->func('notifies')...... not ok\n";
 ######################### disconnect and drop test database
 # disconnect
@@ -462,6 +502,10 @@
 ( $dbh->disconnect )
     and print "\$dbh->disconnect ........... ok\n"
     or  die   "\$dbh->disconnect ........... not ok: ", $DBI::errstr;
+( $dbh1->disconnect )
+    and print "\$dbh1->disconnect .......... ok\n"
+    or  die   "\$dbh1->disconnect .......... not ok: ", $DBI::errstr;
 $dbh0->do("DROP DATABASE $dbtest");

--- NEW FILE: ---

# $Id:,v 2004/04/29 09:40:07 ivan Exp $

# don't forget to create in postgres the user who is running 
# the httpd, eg 'createuser nobody' !
# demo script, tested with:
#  - PostgreSQL-7.1.1
#  - apache_1.3.12
#  - mod_perl-1.23
#  - perl5.6.0
#  - DBI-1.14

use CGI;
use DBI;
use strict;

my $query = new CGI;

print  $query->header,
       $query->start_html(-title=>'A Simple Example'),
       "<CENTER><H3>Testing Module DBI</H3></CENTER>",
       "<TR><TD>Enter the data source: </TD>",
           "<TD>", $query->textfield(-name=>'data_source', -size=>40, -default=>'dbi:Pg:dbname=template1'), "</TD>",
       "<TR><TD>Enter the user name: </TD>",
           "<TD>", $query->textfield(-name=>'username'), "</TD>",
       "<TR><TD>Enter the password: </TD>",
           "<TD>", $query->textfield(-name=>'auth'), "</TD>",
       "<TR><TD>Enter the select command: </TD>",
           "<TD>", $query->textfield(-name=>'cmd', -size=>40), "</TD>",
       "<CENTER>", $query->submit(-value=>'Submit'), "</CENTER>",

if ($query->param) {

    my $data_source = $query->param('data_source');
    my $username    = $query->param('username');
    my $auth        = $query->param('auth');
    my $cmd         = $query->param('cmd');
    my $dbh         = DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $auth);
    if ($dbh) {
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
        my $ret = $sth->execute;
        if ($ret) {
            my($i, $ary_ref);
            while ($ary_ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
                print "<TR><TD>", join("</TD><TD>", @$ary_ref), "</TD></TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE></CENTER><P>\n";
        } else {
            print "<CENTER><H2>", $DBI::errstr, "</H2></CENTER>\n";
    } else {
        print "<CENTER><H2>", $DBI::errstr, "</H2></CENTER>\n";

print $query->end_html;

--- NEW FILE: ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use DBI;
use DBD::Pg;

my $dsn = "dbname=p1";
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=p1', undef, undef, { AutoCommit => 1 });

my $buf = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' x 400;

my $id = write_blob($dbh, undef, $buf);

my $dat = read_blob($dbh, $id);

print "Done\n";

sub write_blob {
    my ($dbh, $lobj_id, $data) = @_;
    # begin transaction
    $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
    # Create a new lo if we are not passed an lo object ID.
    unless ($lobj_id) {
	# Create the object.
	$lobj_id = $dbh->func($dbh->{'pg_INV_WRITE'}, 'lo_creat');

    # Open it to get a file descriptor.
    my $lobj_fd = $dbh->func($lobj_id, $dbh->{'pg_INV_WRITE'}, 'lo_open');

    $dbh->func($lobj_fd, 0, 0, 'lo_lseek');
    # Write some data to it.
    my $len = $dbh->func($lobj_fd, $data, length($data), 'lo_write');
    die "Errors writing lo\n" if $len != length($data);

    # Close 'er up.
    $dbh->func($lobj_fd, 'lo_close') or die "Problems closing lo object\n";
    # end transaction
    $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
    return $lobj_id;

sub read_blob {
    my ($dbh, $lobj_id) = @_;
    my $data = '';
    my $read_len = 256;
    my $chunk = '';

    # begin transaction
    $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;

    my $lobj_fd = $dbh->func($lobj_id, $dbh->{'pg_INV_READ'}, 'lo_open');
    $dbh->func($lobj_fd, 0, 0, 'lo_lseek');

    # Pull out all the data.
    while ($dbh->func($lobj_fd, $chunk, $read_len, 'lo_read')) {
	$data .= $chunk;

    $dbh->func($lobj_fd, 'lo_close') or die "Problems closing lo object\n";

    # end transaction
    $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
    return $data;

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