From Freeside
< Freeside:4:Documentation:Developer | FS
Revision as of 07:40, 18 November 2015 by Jeremyd (talk | contribs) (Edit via perl MediaWiki framework (1.13))
- svc_url
- Returns a service URL, first checking to see if there is a service-specific page to link to, otherwise to a generic service handling page. Options are passed as a list of name-value pairs, and include:
- m - Mason request object ($m)
- action - The action for which to construct "edit", "view", or "search"
- ** part_svc - Service definition (see FS::part_svc)
- ** svcdb - Service table
- *** query - Query string
- *** svc - FS::cust_svc or FS::svc_* object
- ahref - Optional flag, if set true returns <A HREF="$url"> instead of just the URL.
- Required fields
- part_svc OR svcdb is required
- query OR svc is required
- cust_header [ CUST_FIELDS_VALUE ]
- Returns an array of customer information headers according to the supplied customer fields value, or if no value is supplied, the cust-fields configuration value.
- cust_sql_fields [ CUST_FIELDS_VALUE ]
- Returns a list of fields for the SELECT portion of an SQL query.
- As with the cust_header subroutine, the fields returned are defined by the supplied customer fields setting, or if no customer fields setting is supplied, the cust-fields configuration value.
- Returns an SQL join phrase for the FROM clause so that the fields listed in cust_sql_fields will be available. Currently joins to cust_main itself, as well as cust_location (under the aliases 'bill_location' and 'ship_location') if address fields are needed. cust_header() should have been called already.
- All of these will be left joins; if you want to exclude rows with no linked cust_main record (or bill_location/ship_location), you can do so in the WHERE clause.
- TABLE is the table containing the custnum field. If CUSTNUM (a field name in that table) is specified, that field will be joined to cust_main.custnum. Otherwise, this function will assume the field is named "custnum". If the argument isn't present at all, the join will just say "USING (custnum)", which might work.
- As a special case, if TABLE is 'cust_main', only the joins to cust_location will be returned.
- LOCATION_TABLE is an optional table name to use for joining ship_location, in case your query also includes package information and you want the "service address" columns to reflect package addresses.
- cust_fields OBJECT [ CUST_FIELDS_VALUE ]
- Given an object that contains fields from cust_main (say, from a JOINed search. See httemplate/search/svc_* for examples), returns an array of customer information, or "(unlinked)" if this service is not linked to a customer.
- As with the cust_header subroutine, the fields returned are defined by the supplied customer fields setting, or if no customer fields setting is supplied, the cust-fields configuration value.
- cust_fields_subs
- Returns an array of subroutine references for returning customer field values. This is similar to cust_fields, but returns each field's sub as a distinct element.
- cust_colors
- Returns an array of subroutine references (or empty strings) for returning customer information colors.
- As with the cust_header subroutine, the fields returned are defined by the supplied customer fields setting, or if no customer fields setting is supplied, the cust-fields configuration value.
- cust_styles
- Returns an array of customer information styles.
- As with the cust_header subroutine, the fields returned are defined by the supplied customer fields setting, or if no customer fields setting is supplied, the cust-fields configuration value.
- cust_aligns
- Returns an array or scalar (depending on context) of customer information alignments.
- As with the cust_header subroutine, the fields returned are defined by the supplied customer fields setting, or if no customer fields setting is supplied, the cust-fields configuration value.
- cust_links
- Returns an array of links to view/cust_main.cgi, for use with cust_fields.
- is_mobile
- Utility function to determine if the client is a mobile browser.
- random_id [ DIGITS ]
- Returns a random number of length DIGITS, or if unspecified, a long random identifier consisting of the timestamp, process ID, and a random number. Anything in the UI that needs a random identifier should use this.
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
- Around line 52:
- '=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 64:
- Expected '=item *'
- Around line 66:
- Expected '=item *'
- Around line 68:
- Expected '=item *'
- Around line 70:
- Expected '=item *'
- Around line 72:
- Expected '=item *'