FS::API - API for advanced back-office integration
use strict; use Frontier::Client; use Data::Dumper; my $uri = new URI 'http://localhost:8008/'; my $server = new Frontier::Client ( 'url' => $uri ); my $result = $server->call( 'FS.API.customer_info', 'secret' => 'sharingiscaring', 'custnum' => 181318, ); #die $result->{'error'} if $result->{'error'}; print Dumper($result); 1;
This module implements a backend API for advanced back-office integration.
In contrast to the self-service API, which authenticates an end-user and offers functionality to that end user, the backend API performs a simple shared-secret authentication and offers full, administrator functionality, enabling integration with other back-office systems.
If accessing this API remotely with XML-RPC or JSON-RPC, be careful to block the port by default, only allow access from back-office servers with the same security precations as the Freeside server, and encrypt the communication channel (for exampple, with an SSH tunnel or VPN) rather than accessing it in plaintext.
customer_info HASHREF
Returns general customer information.
Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys, custnum and API secret
new_customer HASHREF
- Creates a new customer. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys:
- secret
- API Secret
- first
- first name (required)
- last
- last name (required)
- ss
- (not typically collected; mostly used for ACH transactions)
- company
- Company name
- address1 (required)
- Address line one
- city (required)
- City
- county
- County
- state (required)
- State
- zip (required)
- Zip or postal code
- country
- 2 Digit Country Code
- latitude
- longitude
- geocode
- censustract
- censusyear
- daytime
- Daytime phone number
- night
- Evening phone number
- fax
- Fax number
- mobile
- Mobile number
- invoicing_list
- comma-separated list of email addresses for email invoices. The special value 'POST' is used to designate postal invoicing (it may be specified alone or in addition to email addresses),
- postal_invoicing
- Set to 1 to enable postal invoicing
- payby
- CARD, DCRD, CHEK, DCHK, LECB, BILL, COMP or PREPAY (see "signup_info" (required)
- payinfo
- Card number for CARD/DCRD, account_number@aba_number for CHEK/DCHK, prepaid "pin" for PREPAY, purchase order number for BILL
- paycvv
- Credit card CVV2 number (1.5+ or 1.4.2 with CVV schema patch)
- paydate
- Expiration date for CARD/DCRD
- payname
- Exact name on credit card for CARD/DCRD, bank name for CHEK/DCHK
- referral_custnum
- referring customer number
- agentnum
- Agent number
- agent_custid
- Agent specific customer number
- referral_custnum
- Referring customer number