Freeside:1.7:Documentation:Developer:Schema changes
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- Required
- Edit the big data structure in FS/FS/ and add your tables and columns
Essential documentation
- The upgrade script will automatically handle new tables as well as new columns, removed columns and changes to indices. Column changes (other than NULLability) are not handled.
- If other schema changes are required (such as changed columns, renamed or removed tables, etc.), add a quick note to the upgrade instructions at Freeside:1.7:Documentation:Upgrading and/or Freeside:1.9:Documentation:Upgrading-HEAD
Skeleton class autogeneration
- For new tables. Optional but recommended. We're trying to save you work!
- Make sure the tables have been added to FS/FS/ and run
make install-perl-modules
- From the root freeside directory, run
bin/generate-table-module tablename
for each table. - Edit the resulting FS/FS/
- FS/MANIFEST is updated and FS/t/table.t is added. Don't forget to cvs add FS/FS/ and FS/t/table.t and check them in.
Required Documentation
- For new tables: add to FS/
Optional: Documentation looking for adopters or innovative autogeneration
- somehwat neglected: httemplate/docs/schema.html
- really neglected: httemplate/docs/schema.dia