Website Refactor

From Freeside
Revision as of 16:36, 16 November 2006 by Anime (talk | contribs)

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Free side site map ("you can see mock pages here")

Home: Reiteration of important areas with directs links further into the site
News and Events
Business solutions

Server Appliances:
*Features: list from current front page. (a top menu with anchor points) *Preinstalled appliances: same as current page with design modifications

* Support
* Documentation
*? Maintenance: freeside-1.5.8.tar.gz (not sure if this should go here)

Demo Download: Maybe call this products and merge Server Appliance and Demo as choices in the sub menu
*Features: maybe have the futures area here also
*Back Office

Developers: Probably a anchored page
*Feature/bug database (temporarily offline)
*Browse the CVS tree via viewcvs
*Instructions on accessing the development tree with CVS
*Search (temporarily offline) or browse the developer mailing list archive.
*Pop up window *Subscribe to the development list (not for user support!) by sending a blank message to #freeside on OFTC

About Us:
*Company overview (philosophy about the technology and why we are Open Source)
*News (same as the front page but perhaps more detailed and links to articles that involve freeside)
*Events (list of conventions we will be at or anything else)
