Freeside:1.9:Documentation:Administration:Packages:Price Plans:cdr termination
From Freeside
CDR Termination Settlement billing
This price plan allows you to bill CDR settlement to a termination customer linked to by the carrierid field of the CDR. It requires that you have first billed the CDRs normally to the end-user, and bills the termination partner a customer-specific percentage of the end-user rated price.
Termination package definition setup
- Setup an svc_external service definition
- Add a package definition with the "VoIP/telco CDR termination", containing 1 of this svc_external service
CDR setup
- Setup CDR end-user rating and billing normally.
- cdr.carrierid designates the termination partner's numeric id
Termination customer setup
- Order the termination package for this customer
- Provision the included svc_external service with this termination partner's numeric id, designating which CDRs will be billed to the customer for termiantion.
- Edit the customer record and set the "CDR termination settlement" percentage at the bottom of the edit page (will only show up after the package has been ordered)