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(Initial documentation for Bambora payment module)
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Latest revision as of 22:20, 23 April 2019

Configuring Bambora Real-Time Processing

See Freeside:3:Documentation:Administration:Real-time_Processing for general configuration

Configure Bambora Merchant Settings

This module generates HTTP Authorization headers based on your Bambora API Access Passcode. You must generate an API Access Passcode within the Bambora merchant portal under the menu headings Administration > Account Settings > Order Settings

If you intend to use tokenization, you must also copy the same API Access Passcode to the configuration page found at Configuration > Payment Profile Configuration

Tokenization Implementation

Many-use tokenization is achieved via the Bambora Payment Profile feature

The token created by this module represents the Bambora customer_code identifier for Payment Profile records

This module does not support advanced management of the Payment Profile, such as storing multiple cards onto a single profile, or updating the stored profile detail

Recommending configuration settings in your Bambora merchant portal: ( as of the time of this module's writing )

 Main Manu > Configuration > Payment Profile Configuration
 General Settings:
   - Uncheck "Requre unique order numbers"
   - Uncheck "Do not allow profile to be created with billing information
       duplicated from an existing profile"
 Security Settings:
   - Select: API Access Passcode (requierd for this API)
   - The API Access Passcode will be your "password" using this module
 Credit Card Settings
   - Uncheck "Do not allow profile to be created with card data duplicated
       from an existing profile""

Configure the Freeside Payment Gateway

  • Within Freside, navigate to Main Menu > Configuration > Settings > Billing
  • Configure the text box for Business::OnlinePayment module with your Merchant ID and API Passcode, and click Apply Changes