<% include( '/elements/header.html', ( $cgi->param('failed') ? 'Failed billing events' : 'Billing events' ), ) %>
<% include( '/elements/tr-select-agent.html', 'disable_empty'=>0 ) %> <% include( '/elements/tr-select-cust_main-status.html', 'label' => 'Customer status', # this field is just called 'status' ) %> <% include( '/elements/tr-select-payby.html', 'label' => 'Customer payment type', 'payby_type' => 'cust', 'multiple' => 1, 'all_selected' => 1, ) %> <% include( '/elements/tr-select-part_event.html', 'label' => 'Events', 'multiple' => 1, 'all_selected' => 1, ) %> % if ( $cgi->param('failed') ) { <& /elements/tr-fixed.html, 'label' => 'Event status', 'field' => 'event_status', 'curr_value' => 'failed', 'formatted_value' => 'Failed', &> % } else { % # 'initial' is not on here, since nobody needs to see it. also, % # 'done_Y' and 'done_N' are shorthand for "done, and no_action % # is null" and "done, and no_action = 'Y'". <& /elements/tr-select.html, 'label' => 'Event status', 'field' => 'event_status', 'multiple' => 1, 'all_selected' => 1, 'size' => 5, 'options' => [ qw( done_Y done_N failed new locked ) ], 'option_labels' => { done_Y => 'Completed', done_N => 'Completed, no action taken', failed => 'Failed', new => 'Not yet processed', locked => 'Running', }, &> % } <% include( '/elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html' ) %>
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<% include('/elements/footer.html') %> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Billing event reports');