#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use FS::Misc::Getopt; use FS::Record qw(qsearchs qsearch dbh); use FS::cust_main; use FS::cust_main_invoice; use FS::contact; our %opt; getopts('c:'); # contact classname $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $error; my $classnum = ''; if ( $opt{c} ) { my $class = qsearchs('contact_class', { classname => $opt{c} }); if (!$class) { $class = FS::contact_class->new({ classname => $opt{c} }); $error = $class->insert; die $error if $error; } $classnum = $class->classnum; } # Find all invoice destinations that are email addresses, # except those where the customer already has a contact with that # email address. my @invoice_dests = qsearch({ select => 'cust_main_invoice.*', table => 'cust_main_invoice', hashref => { 'dest' => { op=>'!=', value=>'POST' } }, addl_from => ' LEFT JOIN (contact JOIN contact_email USING (contactnum)) ON (cust_main_invoice.custnum = contact.custnum AND cust_main_invoice.dest = contact_email.emailaddress)', extra_sql => ' AND contact.contactnum IS NULL', }); print "Found email destinations: ".scalar(@invoice_dests)."\n"; foreach my $invoice_dest (@invoice_dests) { my $cust_main = $invoice_dest->cust_main; my $last = $cust_main->get('last'); my $first = $cust_main->get('first'); my $email = $invoice_dest->dest; print "$first $last <$email>\n"; my $contact = qsearchs('contact', { 'custnum' => $invoice_dest->custnum, 'last' => $last, 'first' => $first, }); if ($contact) { my $contact_email = FS::contact_email->new({ 'contactnum' => $contact->contactnum, 'emailaddress' => $email }); $error = $contact_email->insert; die "inserting contact email: $error\n" if $error; } else { # use the 'emailaddress' param here so that send_reset_email will # work right $contact = FS::contact->new({ 'custnum' => $invoice_dest->custnum, 'locationnum' => $cust_main->bill_locationnum, 'last' => $last, 'first' => $first, 'classnum' => $classnum, 'selfservice_access' => 'Y', 'emailaddress' => $email, '_password' => '', '_password_encoding' => '', }); $error = $contact->insert; die "inserting contact: $error\n" if $error; } } dbh->commit; print "Finished!\n";