Revision history for Perl extension Business::OnlinePayment::Jettis. 0.05 unreleased -merge in s5's changes; bump version to 0.05 to skip unreleased versions -add some additional error numbers -pass and return order_number (BILL_ITEM_ID) -support "credit" action in addition to "normal authorization" -support properly named "echeck" type (also support incorrect "check" type still, so as not to break existing applications) -pass PS_TXN_TYPE field type to jettis -pass customer_ssn as SSN4 -pass bogus DL_NUM and DL_STATE info (XXX wtf?) 0.02 Sun Jan 25 02:43:21 PST 2009 -change SOR flag from Y to N to allow Jettis to scrub transactions 0.01 Sat Nov 9 13:39:46 PST 2002 -original version; created by ivan 1.0