2024-07-16 Ivan Kohlersystemd: start apache after postgresql FREESIDE_3_BRANCH github/FREESIDE_3_BRANCH
2024-07-15 Ivan KohlerLaTeX is slower in bullseye?
2024-07-15 Ivan Kohlersystemd: start apache after postgresql
2024-07-03 Ivan Kohler*sigh* life
2024-07-03 Ivan Kohlerupdate for current EOL dates
2023-07-18 Ivan Kohlerv3: prevent CARD/CHEK customers from inadvertantly...
2023-01-09 Ivan Kohlerdisable shapefile DL in v3
2023-01-09 Ivan Kohlerdisable shapefile DL in v3
2023-01-09 Ivan Kohler2023
2022-09-21 Ivan Kohlerfix deployment zone creation/edit, new census data...
2022-09-21 Ivan Kohlerfix download links for mobile zones, RT#86794, RT#86460
2022-09-07 Ivan Kohlerfix password_history upgrade on new DBs
2022-08-26 Ivan Kohleradd shapefile, kmz and geojson export to deployment...
2022-07-01 Ivan Kohlerfix manually setting cdrtypenum or carrierid to 0,...
2022-05-31 Ivan Kohlerexplicit dep on PDF::WebKit
2022-05-24 Ivan Kohlerbulk remove package def options, RT#86028
2022-05-24 Ivan Kohleradd option to not skip N11 destinations when skipping...
2022-05-23 Ivan Kohlerproperly deal with broadsoft's awful non-standard quoti...
2022-05-23 Ivan Kohlerobey otherPartyNamePresentationIndicator and deal with...
2022-05-23 Ivan Kohleradd noskip_dcontext_tollfree option, RT#86028, RT#81941
2022-05-23 Ivan stub, so the old version is no longer...
2022-05-23 Ivan Kohleradd option to not skip N11 destinations when skipping...
2022-05-23 Ivan Kohleradd -i flag to set carrierid, RT#86028, RT#81941
2022-05-23 Ivan Kohleradd dep on libnet-sftp-foreign-perl, used by lots of...
2022-05-23 Ivan Kohlerremove obsolete/customer-specific "set to toll free...
2022-05-23 Ivan Kohlerthere was no need for a separate "R22" format, RT#81941
2022-05-11 Ivan Kohlerfix disposition, add clid, RT#81941
2022-05-11 Ivan Kohlerquiet CGI param warning
2022-04-28 Ivan Kohlerimprove manual census map selection, RT#86245, RT#76968,
2022-04-28 Ivan Kohlerrestore correct workflow when no census match is found...
2022-04-27 Ivan Kohlerdoc
2022-04-27 Ivan Kohler2022
2022-04-27 Ivan Kohlerrestore correct workflow when no census match is found...
2022-04-27 Ivan Kohlerquiet warnings about CGI::param in list context
2022-04-11 Ivan Kohlerre-try locations with missing censustract, RT#86245
2022-04-11 Ivan Kohlerstrip address suffixes for better census coding, RT...
2022-03-31 Ivan Kohlertaqua vs broadsoft duplicate skipping, RT#86028
2022-03-27 Ivan Kohler2020 census data
2022-03-26 Ivan Kohlerdeb 10
2022-03-04 Ivan Kohlerfix 477 deployment report
2022-03-04 Ivan Kohler477 reporting
2022-03-04 Ivan KohlerRevert "update warnings re: census tract length so...
2022-03-04 Ivan Kohlershow a warning when the OS goes EOL
2022-03-03 Ivan Kohlerupdate warnings re: census tract length so real errors...
2022-03-03 Ivan Kohlersearch for missing/outdated census tract, RT#86245
2022-02-28 Ivan Kohlersearch for missing/outdated census tract, RT#86245
2022-02-27 Ivan KohlerForm 477 update for 2022+ reporting (2020 census data...
2022-01-10 Ivan Kohler2022
2021-08-20 Ivan Kohlerjust the relevant Pg info
2021-08-20 Ivan Kohlerdebug
2021-08-20 Ivan Kohlerdeb 10
2021-08-10 Ivan Kohlerbackup the schema for tables we don't need the data...
2021-08-09 Ivan Kohlerbulk change GID, RT#86006
2021-08-09 Ivan Kohlerbulk change GID, RT#86006
2021-04-21 Ivan Kohlerfix TeleAPI import (what kind of crack was Christopher...
2021-04-21 Ivan Kohlereliminate dups, RT#85671
2021-03-22 Ivan Kohlerfix apache dying off for no reason (32-bit only?)
2021-03-18 Ivan Kohlercontractually guaranteed speed no longer required as...
2021-03-18 Ivan Kohlerdisable fcc 477 deployment zones, RT#85668
2021-01-04 Ivan Kohler2020 didn't go as planned, RT#85281
2020-11-10 Ivan Kohleradd config to display note at top, RT#84990
2020-11-09 Ivan KohlerACL for hardware class config, RT#85057
2020-11-09 Ivan KohlerACL for hardware class config, RT#85057
2020-11-09 Ivan Kohleradd credit reason selection, RT#85046
2020-10-16 Ivan Kohlerdoc/presets for libnss-pgsql use, add sha512crypt optio...
2020-10-16 Ivan Kohlersha512 crypt() export
2020-10-16 Ivan Kohlersha512 crypt() export
2020-09-29 Ivan Kohlerfix rare FP rounding errors on void, RT#84904
2020-09-21 Ivan Kohlerdeb 9
2020-09-21 Ivan Kohlerdeb 9
2020-09-01 Ivan KohlerXMLRPC::Lite split from SOAP::Lite
2020-08-15 Ivan Kohlerskip RT sessions table
2020-08-12 Ivan Kohlerdoc: return fields for customer_info, RT#84796
2020-08-11 Ivan Kohlersvc_hardware: better error messages for bad hw_addr...
2020-04-15 Ivan KohlerCGI::param called in list context
2020-03-16 Ivan Kohleradd dsl, circuit and fiber services to email and RT...
2019-10-25 Ivan Kohlersuspend event option to skip packages with a start_date...
2019-10-21 Ivan Kohlerrelease held packages when automatically unsuspending...
2019-10-21 Ivan Kohlerrelease held packages when automatically unsuspending...
2019-10-21 Ivan Kohlerbulk package cancellation
2019-09-19 Ivan Kohlershow deb pkg version
2019-09-18 Ivan Kohlerfix slave IP display
2019-09-18 Ivan Kohlerreally really
2019-08-07 Ivan Kohlerinfinite CDR update: use billingcode field for dst...
2019-07-26 Ivan Kohlerfix invoicing prorate packages when bill date is edited...
2019-07-26 Ivan Kohlerfix intro rates packages vs discounts, RT#83503
2019-06-25 Christopher... RT# 82137 - added processing fee template substitution.
2019-06-25 Christopher... RT# 82137 - default payment amount now has processing...
2019-06-24 Christopher... RT# 82137 - Added ability for processing fee to be...
2019-06-15 Christopher... RT# 83450 - V3 fix for user update
2019-06-15 Christopher... RT# 83450 - fixed rateplan export
2019-06-15 Christopher... RT# 83450 - added location to virtual ap and added...
2019-06-11 Christopher... RT83450 - V3 fix for tower/sector export
2019-06-11 Christopher... RT# 83450 - added fields interface and map_location...
2019-06-10 Mitch JacksonRT# 83460 Fix validation bug on part_event_option
2019-06-06 Christopher... RT# 83251 - removed search for unprovisioned services
2019-06-05 Christopher... RT# 83436 - fixed Advanced Broadband Service Report...
2019-06-04 Christopher... RT# 83251 - changed name of script in documentation
2019-06-04 Christopher... RT# 83365 - Added city select to work like back end
2019-05-28 Christopher... RT# 77532 - fixed error where cust main fax not showing...