<%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports'); my $DEBUG = $cgi->param('debug') || 0; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi); my %params = ( beginning => $beginning, ending => $ending, ); $params{country} = $cgi->param('country'); $params{debug} = $DEBUG; $params{breakdown} = { map { $_ => 1 } $cgi->param('breakdown') }; my $agentname; if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { my $agent = FS::agent->by_key($1) or die "unknown agentnum $1"; $params{agentnum} = $1; $agentname = $agent->agentname; } if ( $cgi->param('taxname') =~ /^([\w ]+)$/ ) { $params{taxname} = $1; } else { die "taxname required"; } # generate the report my $report = FS::Report::Tax->report_internal(%params); my @rows = $report->table; # array of hashrefs my %pkgclass_name = map { $_->classnum, $_->classname } qsearch('pkg_class'); $pkgclass_name{''} = 'Unclassified'; my $override = (scalar(@rows) >= 65536 ? 'XLSX' : ''); my $format = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->spreadsheet_format($override); my $filename = 'report_tax'.$format->{extension}; http_header('Content-Type' => $format->{mime_type}); http_header('Content-Disposition' => qq!attachment;filename="$filename"! ); my $data = ''; my $XLS = new IO::Scalar \$data; my $workbook = $format->{class}->new($XLS) or die "Error opening .xls file: $!"; # hardcoded formats, this could be handled better my $light_gray = $workbook->set_custom_color(63, '#eeeeee'); my %formatdef = ( title => { size => 24, align => 'center', bg_color => 'silver', }, sectionhead => { size => 11, bold => 1, bg_color => 'silver', }, colhead => { size => 11, bold => 1, align => 'center', valign => 'vcenter', text_wrap => 1, }, colhead_small => { size => 8, bold => 1, align => 'center', valign => 'vcenter', text_wrap => 1, }, rowhead => { size => 11, valign => 'bottom', text_wrap => 1, }, currency => { size => 11, align => 'right', valign => 'bottom', num_format=> 8, # ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00) }, number => { size => 11, align => 'right', valign => 'bottom', num_format=> 10, # 0.00% }, bigmath => { size => 12, align => 'center', valign => 'vcenter', bold => 1, }, rowhead_outside => { size => 11, align => 'left', valign => 'vcenter', bg_color => 'gray', bold => 1, italic => 1, }, currency_outside => { size => 11, align => 'right', valign => 'vcenter', bg_color => 'gray', italic => 1, num_format=> 8, # ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00) }, ); my %default = ( font => 'Calibri', border => 1, ); my @widths = ( #ick 30, (13) x 6, 3, 7.5, 3, 11, 11, 3, 11, 3, 11 ); my @format = ( {}, {}, {} ); # white row, gray row, yellow (totals) row foreach (keys(%formatdef)) { my %f = (%default, %{$formatdef{$_}}); $format[0]->{$_} = $workbook->add_format(%f); $format[1]->{$_} = $workbook->add_format(bg_color => $light_gray, %f); $format[2]->{$_} = $workbook->add_format(bg_color => 'yellow', italic => 1, %f); } my $ws = $workbook->add_worksheet('Sales and Tax'); # main title $ws->merge_range(0, 0, 0, 14, $report->title, $format[0]->{title}); $ws->set_row(0, 30); # excel position my $x = 0; my $y = 2; my $colhead = $format[0]->{colhead}; # print header $ws->merge_range($y, 1, $y, 6, 'Sales', $colhead); $ws->merge_range($y, 7, $y+1, 9, 'Rate', $colhead); $ws->merge_range($y, 10, $y, 16, 'Tax', $colhead); $y++; $colhead = $format[0]->{colhead_small}; $ws->write($y, 1, [ 'Total', 'Exempt customer', 'Exempt package', 'Monthly exemption', 'Credited', 'Taxable' ], $colhead); $ws->write($y, 10, 'Estimated', $colhead); $ws->write($y, 11, 'Invoiced', $colhead); $ws->write($y, 13, 'Credited', $colhead); $ws->write($y, 15, 'Net due', $colhead); $ws->write($y, 16, 'Collected',$colhead); $y++; # print data my $rownum = 1; my $prev_row = { pkgclass => 'DUMMY PKGCLASS' }; foreach my $row (@rows) { $x = 0; if ( $row->{pkgclass} ne $prev_row->{pkgclass} ) { $rownum = 1; if ( $params{breakdown}->{pkgclass} ) { $ws->merge_range($y, 0, $y, 15, $pkgclass_name{$row->{pkgclass}}, $format[0]->{sectionhead} ); $y++; } } # pick a format set my $f = $format[$rownum % 2]; if ( $row->{total} ) { $f = $format[2]; } $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{label}, $f->{rowhead}); $x++; foreach (qw(sales exempt_cust exempt_pkg exempt_monthly sales_credited taxable)) { $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{$_} || 0, $f->{currency}); $x++; } $ws->write_string($y, $x, " \N{U+00D7} ", $f->{bigmath}); # MULTIPLICATION SIGN $x++; my $rate = $row->{rate}; $rate = $rate / 100 if $rate =~ /^[\d\.]+$/; $ws->write($y, $x, $rate, $f->{number}); $x++; $ws->write_string($y, $x, " = ", $f->{bigmath}); $x++; my $estimated = $row->{estimated} || 0; $estimated = '' if $rate eq 'variable'; $ws->write($y, $x, $estimated, $f->{currency}); $x++; $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{tax} || 0, $f->{currency}); $x++; $ws->write_string($y, $x, " \N{U+2212} ", $f->{bigmath}); # MINUS SIGN $x++; $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{credit} || 0, $f->{currency}); $x++; $ws->write_string($y, $x, " = ", $f->{bigmath}); $x++; $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{tax} - $row->{credit}, $f->{currency}); $x++; $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{tax_paid} || 0, $f->{currency}); $rownum++; $y++; $prev_row = $row; } # at the end of everything if ( $report->{out_sales} > 0 ) { my $f = $format[0]; $ws->set_row($y, 30); # height $ws->write($y, 0, mt('Out of taxable region'), $f->{rowhead_outside}); $ws->write($y, 1, $report->{out_sales}, $f->{currency_outside}); $y++; } # ewwwww... for my $x (0..scalar(@widths)-1) { $ws->set_column($x, $x, $widths[$x]); } # do the same for the credit worksheet $ws = $workbook->add_worksheet('Credits'); my $title = $report->title; $title =~ s/Tax Report/Credits/; # main title $ws->merge_range(0, 0, 0, 14, $title, $format[0]->{title}); $ws->set_row(0, 30); # height # excel position $x = 0; $y = 2; $colhead = $format[0]->{colhead}; # print header $ws->merge_range($y, 1, $y+1, 1, 'Total', $colhead); $ws->merge_range($y, 2, $y, 4, 'Applied to', $colhead); $y++; $colhead = $format[0]->{colhead_small}; $ws->write($y, 2, [ 'Taxable sales', 'Tax-exempt sales', 'Taxes' ], $colhead); $y++; # print data $rownum = 1; $prev_row = { pkgclass => 'DUMMY PKGCLASS' }; foreach my $row (@rows) { $x = 0; if ( $row->{pkgclass} ne $prev_row->{pkgclass} ) { $rownum = 1; if ( $params{breakdown}->{pkgclass} ) { $ws->merge_range($y, 0, $y, 4, $pkgclass_name{$row->{pkgclass}}, $format[0]->{sectionhead} ); $y++; } } # pick a format set my $f = $format[$rownum % 2]; if ( $row->{total} ) { $f = $format[2]; } $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{label}, $f->{rowhead}); $x++; foreach (qw(credits sales_credited exempt_credited tax_credited)) { $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{$_} || 0, $f->{currency}); $x++; } $rownum++; $y++; $prev_row = $row; } if ( $report->{out_credit} > 0 ) { my $f = $format[0]; $ws->set_row($y, 30); # height $ws->write($y, 0, mt('Out of taxable region'), $f->{rowhead_outside}); $ws->write($y, 1, $report->{out_credit}, $f->{currency_outside}); $y++; } for my $x (0..4) { $ws->set_column($x, $x, $widths[$x]); } $workbook->close; http_header('Content-Length' => length($data)); $m->print($data);