<& elements/search.html, 'title' => 'System Log', 'name_singular' => 'event', 'html_init' => include('.head'), 'query' => $query, 'count_query' => $count_query, 'header' => [ #'#', # lognum, probably not useful 'Date', 'Level', 'Context', 'Applies To', 'Message', ], 'fields' => [ #'lognum', $date_sub, $level_sub, $context_sub, $object_sub, $message_sub, ], 'sort_fields' => [ '_date', 'level', '', 'tablename,tablenum', 'message', ], 'links' => [ '', #date '', #level '', #context $object_link_sub, '', #message ], 'tooltips' => [ '', #date '', #level $tt_sub, '', #object $tt_sub, ], 'color' => [ $color_sub, $color_sub, '', '', '', ], # aligns 'download_label' => 'Download this log', &>\ <%def .head>
From <& /elements/input-date-field.html, { name => 'beginning', value => $cgi->param('beginning'), } &> To <& /elements/input-date-field.html, { name => 'ending', value => $cgi->param('ending') || '', noinit => 1, } &>
Level <& /elements/select.html, field => 'min_level', options => [ 0..7 ], labels => { map {$_ => $FS::Log::LEVELS[$_]} 0..7 }, curr_value => $cgi->param('min_level'), &> to <& /elements/select.html, field => 'max_level', options => [ 0..7 ], labels => { map {$_ => $FS::Log::LEVELS[$_]} 0..7 }, curr_value => $cgi->param('max_level'), &> Context <& /elements/select.html, field => 'context', options => \@contexts, labels => { map {$_, $_} @contexts }, curr_value => ($cgi->param('context') || ''), &>
<& /elements/checkbox.html, 'field' => 'context_height', 'postfix' => 'Only match most specific context', 'value' => 1, 'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('context_height')), &>
Containing text <& /elements/input-text.html, field => 'message', size => 30, size => 30, curr_value => ($cgi->param('message') || ''), &>
<%once> my $date_sub = sub { time2str('%Y-%m-%d %T', $_[0]->_date) }; my $level_sub = sub { $FS::Log::LEVELS[$_[0]->level] }; my $context_sub = sub { my $log = shift; ($log->context)[-1] . (scalar($log->context) > 1 ? '...' : '') ; # XXX find a way to make this use less space (dropdown?) }; my $tt_sub = sub { my $log = shift; my @context = $log->context; # don't create a tooltip if there's only one context entry and the # message isn't cut off return '' if @context == 1 and length($log->message) <= 60; my $html = '
'.(shift @context).'
'; my $pre = '↳'; foreach (map encode_entities($_), @context, $log->message) { $html .= "
"; $pre = '   '.$pre; } $html; }; my $object_sub = sub { my $log = shift; return '' unless $log->tablename; # this is a sysadmin log; anyone reading it should be able to understand # 'cust_main #2319' with no trouble. $log->tablename . ' #' . $log->tablenum; }; my $message_sub = sub { my $log = shift; my $message = $log->message; if ( length($message) > 60 ) { # pretty arbitrary $message = substr($message, 0, 57) . '...'; } $message; }; my $object_link_sub = sub { my $log = shift; my $table = $log->tablename or return; # sigh if ( grep {$_ eq $table} (qw( cust_bill cust_main cust_pkg cust_svc )) or $table =~ /^svc_/ ) { return [ $fsurl.'view/'.$table.'.cgi?'. $log->tablenum ]; } elsif ( grep {$_ eq $table} (qw( cust_msg cust_pay cust_pay_void cust_refund cust_statement )) ) { return [ $fsurl.'view/'.$table.'.html?', $log->tablenum ]; } else { # you're on your own return ''; } }; my @colors = ( '404040', #debug '0000aa', #info '00aa00', #notice 'aa0066', #warning '000000', #error 'aa0000', #critical 'ff0000', #alert 'ff0000', #emergency ); my $color_sub = sub { $colors[ $_[0]->level ]; }; my @contexts = ('', sort FS::log_context->contexts); <%init> my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; die "access denied" unless $curuser->access_right([ 'View system logs', 'Configuration' ]); $cgi->param('min_level', 0) unless defined($cgi->param('min_level')); $cgi->param('max_level', 7) unless defined($cgi->param('max_level')); my %search = (); $search{'date'} = [ FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi) ]; $search{'level'} = [ $cgi->param('min_level'), $cgi->param('max_level') ]; foreach my $param (qw(agentnum context context_height tablename tablenum custnum message)) { if ( $cgi->param($param) ) { $search{$param} = $cgi->param($param); } } my $query = FS::log->search(\%search); # validates everything my $count_query = delete $query->{'count_query'};