#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Date::Format; use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat; use Net::FTP; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup datasrc); use FS::cdr; ### # parse command line ### use vars qw( $opt_m $opt_p $opt_r $opt_e $opt_d $opt_v $opt_P $opt_a $opt_c $opt_g $opt_s ); getopts('c:m:p:r:e:d:v:P:ags'); $opt_e ||= 'csv'; #$opt_e = ".$opt_e" unless $opt_e =~ /^\./; $opt_e =~ s/^\.//; $opt_p ||= ''; die "invalid cdrtypenum" if $opt_c && $opt_c !~ /^\d+$/; my %options = (); my $user = shift or die &usage; adminsuidsetup $user; # %%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%% my $cachedir = '%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.'. datasrc. '/cdrs'; mkdir $cachedir unless -d $cachedir; my $format = shift or die &usage; use vars qw( $servername ); $servername = shift or die &usage; ### # get the file list ### warn "Retrieving directory listing\n" if $opt_v; $opt_m = 'sftp' if !defined($opt_m); $opt_m = lc($opt_m); my $ls; if($opt_m eq 'ftp') { $options{'Port'} = $opt_P if $opt_P; $options{'Debug'} = $opt_v if $opt_v; $options{'Passive'} = $opt_a if $opt_a; my $ls_ftp = ftp(); $ls = [ grep { /^$opt_p.*\.$opt_e$/i } $ls_ftp->ls ]; } elsif($opt_m eq 'sftp') { $options{'port'} = $opt_P if $opt_P; $options{'debug'} = $opt_v if $opt_v; my $ls_sftp = sftp(); $ls_sftp->setcwd($opt_r) or die "can't chdir to $opt_r\n" if $opt_r; $ls = $ls_sftp->ls('.', wanted => qr/^$opt_p.*\.$opt_e$/i, names_only => 1 ); } else { die "Method '$opt_m' not supported; must be ftp or sftp\n"; } ### # import each file ### foreach my $filename ( @$ls ) { warn "Downloading $filename\n" if $opt_v; #get the file if($opt_m eq 'ftp') { my $ftp = ftp(); $ftp->get($filename, "$cachedir/$filename") or die "Can't get $filename: ". $ftp->message . "\n"; } else { my $sftp = sftp(); $sftp->get($filename, "$cachedir/$filename") or die "Can't get $filename: ". $sftp->error . "\n"; } warn "Processing $filename\n" if $opt_v; my $ungziped = $filename; $ungziped =~ s/\.gz$//; if ( $opt_g ) { if(system('gunzip', "$cachedir/$filename") != 0) { warn "gunzip of '$cachedir/$filename' failed" if $opt_v; unlink "$cachedir/$filename"; next; } } my $file_timestamp = $filename.'-'.time2str('%Y-%m-%d', time); my $import_options = { 'file' => "$cachedir/$ungziped", 'format' => $format, 'batch_namevalue' => $file_timestamp, 'empty_ok' => 1, }; $import_options->{'cdrtypenum'} = $opt_c if $opt_c; my $error = FS::cdr::batch_import($import_options); if ( $error ) { unlink "$cachedir/$filename"; unlink "$cachedir/$ungziped" if $opt_g; die $error; } if ( $opt_d ) { if($opt_m eq 'ftp') { my $ftp = ftp(); $ftp->rename($filename, "$opt_d/$file_timestamp") or do { unlink "$cachedir/$filename"; unlink "$cachedir/$ungziped" if $opt_g; die "Can't move $filename to $opt_d: ".$ftp->message . "\n"; }; } else { my $sftp = sftp(); $sftp->rename($filename, "$opt_d/$file_timestamp") or do { unlink "$cachedir/$filename"; unlink "$cachedir/$ungziped" if $opt_g; die "can't move $filename to $opt_d: ". $sftp->error . "\n"; }; } } unlink "$cachedir/$filename"; unlink "$cachedir/$ungziped" if $opt_g; } ### # subs ### sub usage { "Usage: \n cdr.import user format servername\n"; } use vars qw( $sftp $ftp ); sub ftp { return $ftp if $ftp && $ftp->pwd; my ($hostname, $userpass) = reverse split('@', $servername); my ($ftp_user, $ftp_pass) = split(':', $userpass); my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($hostname, %options) or die "FTP connection to '$hostname' failed."; $ftp->login($ftp_user, $ftp_pass) or die "FTP login failed: ".$ftp->message; $ftp->cwd($opt_r) or die "can't chdir to $opt_r\n" if $opt_r; return $ftp; } sub sftp { #reuse connections return $sftp if $sftp && $sftp->cwd; my %sftp = ( host => $servername ); $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new(%sftp); $sftp->error and die "SFTP connection failed: ". $sftp->error; $sftp; } =head1 NAME freeside-cdr-sftp_and_import - Download CDR files from a remote server via SFTP =head1 SYNOPSIS cdr.sftp_and_import [ -m method ] [ -p prefix ] [ -e extension ] [ -r remotefolder ] [ -d donefolder ] [ -v level ] [ -P port ] [ -a ] [ -g ] [ -s ] [ -c cdrtypenum ] user format [sftpuser@]servername =head1 DESCRIPTION Command line tool to download CDR files from a remote server via SFTP or FTP and then import them into the database. -m: transfer method (sftp or ftp), defaults to sftp -p: file prefix, if specified -e: file extension, defaults to .csv -r: if specified, changes into this remote folder before starting -d: if specified, moves files to the specified folder when done -P: if specified, sets the port to use -a: use ftp passive mode -v: set verbosity level; this script only has one level, but it will be passed as the 'debug' argument to the transport method -c: cdrtypenum to set, defaults to none -g: File is gzipped -s: Warn and skip files which could not be imported rather than abort user: freeside username format: CDR format name [sftpuser@]servername: remote server (or ftpuser:ftppass@servername) =head1 BUGS =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut 1;